Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Sophia and I made some super delicious chocolate chip cookies this morning and we all had one after lunch today. I think it was the first time I have just given Caleb a whole cookie to eat. He loved it. The chocolate chips were still really soft and warm so it made a huge mess.

Sophia also loved the cookies, of course, and was way into making weird faces for the camera.


Anonymous said...

You all had ONE after lunch? At our house, even when Renae was Caleb's age, we couldn't possibly have stopped at one. Impressive!

Steve said...

Wow. Sebastian & Jessica made chocolate chip cookies today also. Although nobody got as messy as Caleb. As for Pat's comment, we all had at least 2. Well Lily only got to smell them.

Jenny said...

To be fair, Sophia and I each "sampled" one before lunch, then had one after lunch and then we all had more tonight. They're super filling ones so you can't quite scarf them down like you can others.

Anonymous said...

You mean you aren't supposed to eat the whole batch at once??? Tell that to Megan and Ryan! We are of the opinion that the entire batch makes a great after school snack (maybe saving a couple for Bren and lunches). Gosh, I didn't realize I had a cookie problem until tonight!

Jenny said...

I think we would be in the hospital if we ate the entire batch of these cookies. The recipe makes around 8 or 9 dozen!