Caleb got his first (of I'm sure many) stitches last night. I had to stay home and get some work done while Ben took the kids to small group with him. The kids were upstairs with the babysitter, Sierra, when Ben heard Caleb start screaming right at the end of the night. Sierra came running downstairs and Caleb's eye was bleeding like crazy. As far as they could figure out, one of the kids tried to give him a hug and accidentally knocked him over into the TV stand in the bedroom they were in.
Some friends brought Sophia home to me while Ben took Caleb to the ER to get a couple stitches. He said he did a great job. He cried while they did the stitches but then sat up, waved and said, "bye bye" to the nurse and doctor as they left.
The poor little guy has no chance really. Ben has all sorts of scars from where he got a few stitches here and there. Every one has a funny story with hitting himself in the forehead with a tennis racket! Caleb just decided it was time to start following in his daddy's footsteps, at 16 months old!
Awwww, poor widdle guy!
I'm glad I found your blog--now I have one more thing to check out when I'm on the internet! :)
Thanks for teaching this morning Jenny--we learned a lot.
Oh my gosh he is starting early!
If he is following in his daddy's foot steps he should turn out OK.
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