Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Goodbye Mullet!

I know; it's been forever since I posted anything on here. There really hasn't been anything to top my last post (fortunately). Life has been pretty busy around here too. I'm getting over pneumonia right now so I figured rest was a little more important than updating our blog for awhile! Call me crazy.

I gave Caleb and Sophia their first haircuts last week. We decided it was time when Caleb's baby mullet got so bad that our friend Kris walked by him one day and asked him if he was going to play hockey when he grows up. It was definitely an interesting task. We put a video on to attempt to distract them but Caleb did not stop moving the whole time. I was praying that I didn't stab him as I chased him around the living with a pair of pointy scissors. Surprisingly, it turned out ok as long as you don't look too close. Sophia, on the other hand, did great. She thought she was in her own little beauty salon!


Team Davis said...

Yay! The Folmans are back. I sure missed you. I love the naked chef- she makes great cookies.

annetta said...

love the naked chef! Zeke has taken to taking off his clothes when ever he can. Maybe they could start their own cooking show!

Jenny said...

That would be hilarious! I can picture it now. The Naked Chef for kids!