Thursday, December 7, 2006

So cold...

...but so beautiful. When I got up this morning it was around 7 degrees below on the thermometer. On my way back from dropping Sophia off at preschool I noticed how awesome the lake looked. I couldn't resist stopping home to get my camera and driving to a couple spots to take some pictures. Don't worry, I left Caleb in the warm car while I took the photos. In case you've never been to Duluth when the lake looked like this, the white stuff is steam because Lake Superior is actually warmer than the air outside! You can click on the pictures if you want to see a bigger view of them.


Anonymous said...

I love the photo's! Thanks for posting them.

annetta said...

Wow. I miss that. Hey could you get the vertical one of the bride developed into like an 8x10? I will pay you! Let me know!

Anonymous said...

annetta...Yeah, I'd love to. I could get it done and either mail it to you or use it as an excuse to see you guys over the week of Christmas. We'll be in the Cities all week...of course, you'll probably be here!

annetta said...

Barn had no idea what was in the envelope that Ben gave him. When I showed him he was in shock. "I have this as my wallpaper on my computer!" he said. So I think you may have found a hobby that can make you some $! He wants the 8x10 for his cube at work and an 11x14 for the house!