Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Science Museum

We took a little trip to the the Science Museum in St. Paul on Monday morning after spending a relaxing night at my brother Matt and his wife Karna's house. We hadn't brought the kids there before and we all had a great time. Here are a few photos from the day.

Sophia and her skunk friend doing the news.

Who knew that a fan facing upward could be so exciting? The kids could tape together all sorts of different stuff and then stick it in this thing and watch it float up in the air. Caleb loved it!

Dinosaur bones. Also Caleb's favorite part.

Sophia, Ben and a woolly mammoth.

We caught Caleb right in the middle of yelling, "DINOSAUR!!!!"


A Day in the Life of.... said...

Cute photos... looks like you guys had a great time! Love the pic of Caleb yelling "dinosaur". Also check out our blog when you get a sec. A day in the life of Ethan and Ilee- adayinthelifeofeni.blogspot.

annetta said...

You were less than a mile from our house! Next time you are so close give us a call and we can do lunch or something! :)